发布时间:2021-10-22 23:20:01 来源:央视
今年43岁的阿依登和丈夫阿曼生活在新疆阿勒泰地区福海县。她的丈夫家里四代饲养骆驼,是当地有名的养驼世家。嫁来福海之前,阿依登从没见过骆驼,也不会骑马。而现在,骑摩托赶骆驼、挤驼奶、给骆驼接生、煮驼奶茶,她样样精通。“我们一年的每一天都放骆驼,一天都没休息过。”虽然工作很辛苦,但十多年来,阿依登一直和丈夫一起精心照料骆驼。她觉得很幸福,也感受到生活因养驼而变得越来越好。她说:“累得很我也是喜欢骆驼的。将来也会一直放骆驼。” Ayden Erjan, 43, has been herding camels with her husband Aman Muhamet for 15 years in Fuhai County, Altay Prefecture in northwest China‘s Xinjiang Ughur Autonomous Region。 Ayden hadn’t seen a camel before and didn‘t know how to ride a horse or herd camels。 After moving to Fuhai County following her marriage, she got to know camels and learned to milk them and ride motorcycles。 The couple, both ethnic Kazakhs, started with two camels but now take care of around 150。 “We herd camels every day and never have a day off,” said Ayden。 Although tending camels is exhausting, she loves it and the animals。