发布时间:2021-10-19 23:20:00 来源:央视
重庆黄桷湾立交桥是一项工程壮举,在2015年首次通车时,它就登上了世界各地的头条新闻。许多网友表示,他们只是看着它就感到惊奇!这样一个共有5层、近20个坡道,能容纳8个不同方向的车辆在上面交错行驶的立交桥体系,让城市更为畅通,也已经成为重庆现代化的象征。 A feat of engineering, the Huang Juewan Interchange in Chongqing hit headlines all over the world when it first opened in 2015。 Many netizens said they were confused just looking at it! However, the interchange, with five layers, over 20 ramps and moving in eight directions, has helped speed up traffic across the city, and has become a symbol of the modernization of Chongqing。