发布时间:2021-09-01 21:13:47 来源:央视
当地时间8月31日,美国总统拜登就美国结束在阿富汗20年的军事行动发表讲话。拜登说,自己为撤军决定负责,继续战争不符合美国国家利益。他还表示,美国打击恐怖主义的行动没有结束,将继续打击包括“伊斯兰国呼罗珊分支”在内的全球恐怖主义威胁。 U.S. President Joe Biden defended his handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, including the frantic final evacuation from Kabul airport. In an address from the White House on Tuesday, Biden said he took responsibility for the decision and that it was "time to end the war" in Afghanistan after 20 years.