发布时间:2021-08-18 22:31:59 来源:央视
当地时间8月17日,彭博社援引一位政府官员的话报道称,美国冻结了阿富汗中央银行近95亿美元的资产,并在试图阻止塔利班通过任何方式从美国获取资金。这位官员表示,阿富汗政府在美国拥有的任何中央银行资产都不会被提供给塔利班,塔利班仍在美国财政部的制裁名单上。The U.S. government on Sunday froze Afghan reserves held in American bank accounts to prevent the Taliban from accessing the funds, Bloomberg reported citing a U.S. official. The official said that any central bank assets that the Afghan government has in the U.S. will not be available to the Taliban, which remains on the Treasury Department's sanctions designation list.