发布时间:2021-07-21 20:30:03 来源:央视
近日,郑州出现罕见持续强降水天气过程,遭遇有记录以来最强降雨并引发洪灾。截至目前,洪灾已造成郑州市区12人死亡,当地已转移避险约10万人,救援仍在继续。河南暴雨引发的严重灾情牵动着全国人民的心。大灾当前,很多平凡的人默默向陌生人伸出援手,让人为之动容。The death toll from deadly floods in China's Zhengzhou has risen to 12, as the capital of central Henan Province witnessed the most severe rainstorms on record. Over 100,000 people have been evacuated, and rescue operations continue across the province. The severe disaster has touched the hearts of people across the country. Here are some touching moments from the rescue operations.