发布时间:2016年09月13日05:27 来源:新浪财经
There are twoareas that I am aware of right now. I think some of the biggest companies thateven bigger than Google are gonna to come up.And that is in Virtual Reality andby AI. They will really penetrate to all aspects of our lives, all aspects. Theywill penetrate even further than, say, the Internet. Virtual Reality will bethe platform after the smartphone. People say “What’s after the smartphone?What’s after the mobile phone?” I say, it will be virtual reality, VR. Therewill be thousands of people thousands of companies. There will be eco-system. Therewill be a new monopoly and many many innovations and a lot of money. But theymay take 10 years or 20 years, at 10 or 20 years horizons. It’s not gonna to benext year, not gonna be 5 years, a little further out. But I think in 10 to 20years, those 2 will be very very big platforms。
There aremonopolies in the industry. There are also monopolies in a kind of regionalgeographical way as well. We see competitive advantages to industries in ageographical area. So this area we are in right now, Shenzhen, is the worldcenter for manufacturing. And it’s the center not because it’s the cheapest, whichit isn’t just the cheapest anymore, but because it’s the best, the bestmanufacturing, the best material science applications happening here. Andanybody in the world that tries to compete against that is going to be verydifficult because it’s not just a single company, it’s a whole eco-system; it’sthe whole area where there’s talent, there’s people, there’s knowledge, there’sfinancing, there’s existing infrastructure. And the same thing with SiliconValley, which is the world’s best software application innovation. If you tryto make another Silicon Valley, you are not going to win. And many countriestry to make, “oh, let’s have our own Silicon Valley。” That doesn’t work。
“India’s Silicon Valley”
“You could describe Kenya now as theCalifornia of Africa。”
“To become the country’s Silicon Valley。”
“Some even call it China’s Silicon Valley。”
Or if you wantto make movies, there is Hollywood and Bollywood. It’s very very hard to startand compete against those monopolies in some sense. So the opportunity is tohave a same kind of system not for making software or manufacturing, but forsomething else. What could that be? Biotech. There is robotics. There is Ithink it’s gonna to be opportunities in aviation. That could be an opportunityfor a country to add. You can add a cup of more clusters. You have Shenzhen, butyou need others. You can’t do with software. You won’t be able to do withmovies, but there are so many other things you could do with。
凯文凯利:现在这个屋子里的大多技术,都是很老的,像木材、钢筋水泥、电力,这些材料存在的时间,远比我们要老。但同时也有一些新的东西,在经济领域中也是一样的。我并不会认为说,我们看见的新东西会马上替代掉所有旧的东西,一般来说它们都是由上至下地增补,所以在我看来,传统的等级模式并不会完全消失,而是有更多新的商业模式得以创造。新的模式就是网络的模式,传统的形式也还能行得通。就像家庭式小餐馆会一直存在,它们不会消失。可以这么想吧,就像金字塔或者浪花一样,所有的新东西都是在现有的基础上增加的。而旧的东西是不会消失的。Most the technologies in this room here is really old. There iswood, concrete, electrical, materials that we invented long before you wereborn. And there’s some new stuff too. And the same in this economy. I wouldnever suggest that the new things we are seeing are going to replace the old.They are usually supplemental on top of. So I don’t expect to see all hierarchicalstructures go away. So there is more and more ways to do business. And the newway is the network way. There are still the old ways which still work. Thereare still Mum and Papa restaurants forever. They are not gonna go away. The wayto think of it is a kind of pyramid or waves, where there is the new is beingadded to all the ways that currently exist. And those old ways are not gonna goaway。
2015年春天,创业热潮在全国各地开始蔓延。时至今日,中国平均每分钟诞生7 家公司,中关村平均每天有一家企业获得融资。
One of the reasons why I like to come toChina is I love the energy of the people here as they try to make thousands ofstartups, trying many new innovations. A lot of innovations are ahead of what’shappening in the United States. But we need to be very clear and honest andremind people that 95% of startups anywhere anytime will fail. That is thestatistical average. One of the reasons why the US has a very strong innovationculture is because we accept and embrace those failures. We don’t penalizepeople if they have a failure. We say, “Good. You learned a lot. Come back. Wewill do it again。” That’s a little bit more difficult in China to tolerate thatkind of failure. But that is actually something that people have to learn to doas a culture is to accept failure as a means of learning. But we still don’twant fail, we want to try to avoid failure. And I think one of the ways we tryto avoid failure is by taking small steps. In the startup businesses, they callit the minimal viable product. You don’t try to do everything at once, you tryto do the smallest little thing that will be valuable. And that’s the one waythat you can help diminish the failure because you are taking just the smallstep. So that’s one method