
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月18日13:51
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"; //默认宽带文件 bnTxtPlayer.nFile = "
"; //默认窄带文件 bnTxtPlayer.bTitle = "%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%EF%BC%9A%E7%BD%97%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%B4%E9%B8%BD%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E6%9C%9F"; //视频文件的名字 bnTxtPlayer.mChannel = ""; //视频文件所在的频道 bnTxtPlayer.adPath = ""; //默认的缓冲path bnTxtPlayer.autoStart = true; //是否自动播放 boolean bnTxtPlayer.showStatusBar = true; //是否允许显示状态信息 boolean bnTxtPlayer.netModel = 1; //当前网络连接模式 Number 0:窄频 1:宽频 bnTxtPlayer.loadCountCgi = 'http://download.video.sina.com.cn/count_player/count_player.php?playState=load&mSrc='+bnTxtPlayer.bFile+'&mTitle=' + bnTxtPlayer.bTitle + '&mChannel=' + bnTxtPlayer.mChannel; //页面加载调用cgi地址 bnTxtPlayer.playCountCgi = 'http://download.video.sina.com.cn/count_player/count_player.php?playState=play&mSrc='+bnTxtPlayer.bFile+'&mTitle='+ bnTxtPlayer.bTitle + '&mChannel=' + bnTxtPlayer.mChannel; //播放时调用cgi地址 bnTxtPlayer.playCountRequestTag = false; /* 点播 * void Play(String bFile,String nFile,String adPath) * bFile :当前宽频文件 * nFile :当前窄频文件 * adurl : 可选 当前视频的缓冲广告path */ //bnTxtPlayer.Play("b.wmv","n.wmv"); bnTxtPlayer.loadRequest = function(){ var counter = new IO.Script(); counter.load(this.loadCountCgi); } bnTxtPlayer.playRequest = function(){ if(this.playCountRequestTag){ return; } this.playCountRequestTag = true; var counter = new IO.Script(); counter.load(this.playCountCgi); } bnTxtPlayer.PlayStateChange = function(newState){ switch(newState){ case 0: //0 Undefined Windows Media Player is in an undefined state. this.SetCurState("play"); break; case 1: //1 Stopped Playback of the current media clip is stopped. this.SetCurState("stop"); break; case 2: //2 Paused Playback of the current media clip is paused. When media is paused, resuming playback begins from the same location. this.SetCurState("pause"); break; case 3: //3 Playing The current media clip is playing. this.SetCurState("play"); this.playRequest(); break; case 4: //4 ScanForward The current media clip is fast forwarding. //this.SetCurState("play"); break; case 5: //5 ScanReverse The current media clip is fast rewinding. //this.SetCurState("play"); break; case 6: //6 Buffering The current media clip is getting additional data from the server. //this.SetCurState("play"); break; case 7: //7 Waiting Connection is established, however the server is not sending bits. Waiting for session to begin. //this.SetCurState("play"); break; case 8: //8 MediaEnded Media has completed playback and is at its end. //this.SetCurState("stop"); break; case 9: //9 Transitioning Preparing new media. this.SetCurState("play");//注意 此处为切换视频停止前一视频后的的第一步 应该处于播放状态 break; case 10: //10 Ready Ready to begin playing. //this.SetCurState("stop"); break; case 11: //11 Reconnecting Reconnecting to stream. //this.SetCurState("play"); break; default: } } //打开页面请求一次 bnTxtPlayer.loadRequest(); bnTxtPlayer.Init(); window.onerror = function(){ return true; } //-->
", "" ), //分段 流畅url new Array( "
", "" ) ]; } //-->









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